
Alekseij Canepa - Artistic Director and Resident Choreographer

Dance\Artistic Education:

-1998\2013 : Studio Danza Alla Poilova (Genova,Italy)

-2013\2014 Arts Center of Contemporary Dance

-2014 Achievement Certificate of Academy "Arts Center of Contemporary Dance"

-2018 Classes at Peridance Capezio Center (New York,USA)

-Classes with: Emilio Calcagno, Valerio Longo, Idan Sharabi, Michael Lorh, Eugenio Buratti, Francesco Nappa, Ana Presta, Angel Blanco, Robert Conn, Veronique Gaillard, etc…

-2021 Achivement European Specialization "Technician in teaching dance disciplines" 


Professional experiences

Dance Companies:

-2010\2011 Kinesis Danse, Italy

-2014\2016 Atzewi Dance Company, Italy

-2015\2016 Soloist Dancer at Bird’s Dance Project Matteo Levaggi & Guests, Italy

-2016\2017 Budapest Dance Theatre, Hungary

-2017 Hungarian National Ballet Opera of Budapest, Hungary

-2017\2020 Soloist Dancer at Delattre Dance Company, Germany

-2019\2020 Arstist in Residence at Landestheater Detmold, Germany

-2020\2024 Soloist Dancer at Theater Ulm, Germany 


Danced in pieces of:

Jiry Pokorny , Fernando Troya , Stephen Delattre, Matteo Levaggi , Jorg Mannes , Robert North, Louis Stien , Lorand Zachar, Bela Foldi, Kenneth Tindall, Can Arslan, Simon Kuban, Francesca Frassinelli, Connor Scott, Mohamad Sufri Juwahir, Alex Atzewi, Raza Hammadi, Pablo Sansalvador, Reiner Feistel, etc...


Contacted by companies:

ItDansa (Barcelona), Albano Ballet Company(USA), Kolben Dance Company (Israel)


Festivals\Guest Dancer:

-Guest in different Galas in Italy and Germany

-February 2016: Guest Dancer at Gala des Etoiles with Sabrina Brazzo, Amilcar Moret Gonzalez,etc, Italy

-May 2018: Soloist Dancer at International Dance Festival in Perm, Russia

-June 2018: Soloist Dancer at SoloDuo Dance Festival in New York,USA

-July 2018: Guest Soloist for Atzewi Dance Company with Petra Conti , Beatrice Carbone, Italy

-September 2019: Invited as Soloist Dancer at the Dance Festival “Small Plates” in Honolulu, Hawaii

-January 2021: Selected as Soloist Dancer at the SzoloDuo Dance Festival of Budapest, Hungary 


Teacher\Choreographer experiences:

-2010\2017 Teacher\Choreographer at Studio Danza Alla Poilova, Italy

-2015\2016 Teacher at the Training Course of Oxana Kichenko, Italy

-2016\2017 Teacher at the Professional Elite Program Budapest, Hungary

-From 2016: Artistic Director and Resident Choreographer of Kseij Dance Company, Italy

-2021\22\23 : Choreographer for Theater Ulm, Germany 

-2022: Guest Choreographer for Delattre Dance Company, Germany

-2023: Guest Choreographer for Delattre Dance Company, Germany, and Evolution Dance Platform, Germany 



-Prize Best Talent offered by Maestro Mario Porcile (Inventor Festival of Nervi – Genoa)

-Prize for the successfull career abroad

- Prize as Best Choreographer at the International Dance Competition in Perm,Russia 

- Prize as Dancer at the Korea International Contemporary Dance Competition 

- Overall Winner AmsterDans Competition 2016  

ALLA POILOVA - Production

 After graduating in choreographic disciplines at the University of Art of Perm (Russia), she was called to the dance school where she teaches: Classical Dance, Character Dance, Dance History and Choral Compositions.

Her artistic training comes from the studio with professors such as: Sidorova, Petukov and Mingalova (Classical dance of the Academy of Dance and the Opera and Ballet Theater in Perm, Russia), Burkanov S. (Modern Dance), Solomennaia N (Dance character), Alexandroup (Classical duets), Ivanov VG (Choreographic Composition), Kazarinova TA (Choreographic Composition).

She then founded her company "Alla dance".

With her company, she traveled abroad, touching states like Bulgaria, France, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, and many more.

Winner of various international choreographic awards in Moscow, Perm, Cheikoski, Jaroslavl, Ekaterimburg, etc ...

She collaborates with major film directors in Russia as Eugenij Salomennij.

Judge of numerous International Choreographic Contests in Russia.

In 2000 in Italy she founded the STUDIO DANZA ALLA POILOVA.

Up to now she continues to deepen her studies with various Italian and international teachers.


ANDREA COLLI - Choreographer Assistant and Teacher

 Started modern and contemporary dance studies in 2007 with Alex Atzewi and attends numerous classical and contemporary dance stage with internationally-trained teachers such as F. Nappa, M.

Astolfi, E. Calcagno, D. Tinazzi, P. Londi, V. Pitzalis, F. Monteverde, S. La Chance, P. Lesdema, D. Lesdema, M. Molinari, M. Frattini, A. Rende, M. Batti, O. Dorella, P. Santoro, M. Villanova, E.Terabust, I. Ciaravola, M. Trayanova ...

Since 2009 he has participated in numerous and prestigious competitions throughout Italy, ranking in the first positions.

In 2011 he was invited to the "Rome in Dance, Award Winners, Recognition for Young Talents" in Rome. Also distinguished within the "Mantova Dance" competition in April 2015, he is selected to participate as a soloist at the "Silvio Oddi Award", dedicated to the men's talents selected in various international competitions.

 September 2015  join the youth project Atzewi Dance Company, the BCBP (Bologna Contemporary Ballet Project).

Atzewi Dance Company participates as guest at the eighth edition of the "Les Arenes de la Danse and du Cirque Festival" in Paris.

As a teacher he attended contemporary teaching with Master Marco Batti and from 2014 follows the contemporary dance course held by Alex Atzewi with the supervision of Master Emilio Calcagno.

In 2016 he collaborated on teaching within the APAD training course.



Via Monterotondo 11r

Genova Sestri Ponente 16154, Italy
