You can support KSEIJ DANCE COMPANY in many ways. No matter your choice, you will help the company realize its ambitions in the international world of dance. Whether you support us as an individual, would like to sponsor us as a company, or will support our foundation projects. Your assistance will make it possible.
Contattaci in caso fossi interessato a diventare sponsor della Kseij Dance Company:
Se ci vuoi supportare con una libera offerta, puoi mandare un bonifico alla nostra produzione:
Intestatario: Studio Danza
IBAN: IT80I0503401413000000106609
Causale del bonifico: Supporto Kseij Dance Company
Sperimenta di più diventando un amico della Kseij Dance Company.
Come amico, hai il diritto di partecipare alle prove generali. Sarai anche invitato a una lezione con i ballerini, a eventi speciali e ti verrà inviata una newsletter esclusiva di amici con informazioni privilegiate. In questo modo, vedrai di più e imparerai di più.
Inviaci un'e-mail, se vuoi essere un amico di Kseij Dance, a:
Please contact us if you are interested in becoming a sponsor of Kseij Dance Company:
If you want to support us with a free offer, you can send a bank transfer to our production:
Name: Studio Danza
IBAN: IT80I0503401413000000106609
Reason of the transfer: Support Kseij Dance Company
Experience more by becoming a Friend of Kseij Dance Company.
As a Friend, you are entitled to attend general rehearsals. You will also be invited to a lesson with the dancers, to special events, and you will be sent an exclusive friends-newsletter with inside information. This way, you will see more and learn more.
SEND US AN EMAIL, if you want to be a Friend of Kseij Dance, to :